Terms and Conditions

Security and Confidentiality

I am committed to providing a secure and confidential service, whether sessions are conducted in person or online. My computer systems are regularly updated with antivirus software, and all client communications and data are treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Client Responsibilities: Clients are responsible for ensuring the security and confidentiality of their own devices, including keeping their computers or phones up-to-date with security software. It is also the client's responsibility to ensure they are in a private and confidential space during online sessions to avoid interruptions or breaches of privacy.

While every effort is made to maintain confidentiality, there are legal and ethical limits. Confidentiality may be broken if:

  • The client is at risk of harming themselves or others.
  • There is a risk of harm to children or vulnerable adults.

In line with best practices, I regularly attend professional supervision. However, clients' identities will remain anonymous during supervision.

Client Data and Records

Personal data is required for my records and is stored securely using encryption software. This data will not be released to a third party except under court order or subpoena. All records and data related to counselling and therapy sessions remain the property of Inner Healing.

Client Relationship

To use my services, clients must be over 18 years of age. By engaging in my services, clients accept these Terms and Conditions. The relationship between therapist and client is one of mutual respect, trust, and professionalism. Clients agree that any information shared during sessions remains confidential and is not intended for academic use or publication without prior written consent.

Private Sessions

In-Person and Online Sessions

  • Duration: Sessions last between 60 and 180 minutes, depending on the type of service being provided.
  • Timing: Clients are responsible for being available at the agreed-upon time for their session. If a session starts late due to the client's delay, it will still end at the scheduled time, and the full fee will apply.
  • Technical Difficulties: For online sessions, if technical difficulties arise on my side, clients will be offered a rescheduled session or a full refund. However, if technical issues occur on the client's side, the session may need to be rescheduled or cancelled, but no refund will be issued.

During the course of therapy, clients may experience strong or upsetting emotions. This is part of the therapeutic process, and clients accept this as a natural aspect of their healing journey.

Payment Policy:

  • Payment is required upfront before the start of each session.
  • I accept payments through Revolut, PayPal, Credit Card, or Bank Transfer.
  • Clients are responsible for ensuring payment is made before their session to secure the appointment. Failure to make timely payment may result in the cancellation of the session.

Cancellations Policy and Refunds

  • 24-Hour Notice Required: Clients must provide at least 24 hours' notice to cancel or reschedule a session. Failure to do so will result in the full session fee being charged.
  • Late Cancellations or Missed Appointments: Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice, or missed appointments, are non-refundable.
  • Therapist Cancellations: If I need to cancel a session for any reason, clients will be offered a full refund or the option to reschedule the session at a mutually convenient time.

For any sessions purchased as part of a package or bundle, once a session has been used, no refunds will be provided for the remaining sessions.


In-Person and Online Workshops

Payment Policy:

  • Full payment is required at the time of booking to secure your place in the workshop.
  • I accept payments through Revolut, PayPal, Credit Card, or Bank Transfer.
  • Participants are responsible for ensuring payment is made at the time of booking to secure their place in the workshop. Failure to make timely payment may result in the cancellation of the booking.

Cancellations Policy and Refunds

  • No Refund or Cancellation within 14 Days

    Cancellations made 14 days or less prior to the start of the workshop are non-refundable. However, you have the option to transfer your booking to a different workshop within four months of the original workshop date.

  • Rescheduling: 

    If you are unable to attend the workshop you originally booked within the 14-day window, you may choose to attend a future workshop scheduled within the next four months at no additional cost.

  • Full Refund if I Cancel: 

    In the unlikely event that I must cancel the workshop, you will receive a full refund of the amount paid. Alternatively, you may choose to transfer your booking to a different workshop date.

Security of Online Platforms

For online sessions, workshops and training conducted via Zoom, I ensure that the platform is as secure as possible, using password protection and encryption where available. However, clients accept that no online platform can guarantee 100% security. By using Zoom or similar platforms, clients agree to accept the inherent risks of online communication.


By booking a session, workshops or trainings, clients agree to the following:

  • Clients must be over 18 years of age.
  • Clients are responsible for checking that their country of residence allows the use of my services.
  • Clients have read and understood the policies on confidentiality, security, and the terms of service.
  • Clients acknowledge that my services are for personal counselling or therapeutic use and are not intended for academic research without prior written consent.
  • Clients agree not to record or publish any material, which includes: e-mails, telephone calls or video therapy sessions, without the prior written consent.
  • Clients acknowledge that there are limits to confidentiality. While the content of the sessions and the client's identity are treated with the strictest confidence, confidentiality may be broken if the client discloses criminal activity, child sexual abuse, or information that leads me to believe the client poses a threat to their own safety or the safety of others, or if the safety of a minor is at risk. Additionally, clients accept that, in the name of best practice, I attend regular supervision, and your identity will remain confidential during these sessions.
  • Clients agree that all sessions are paid for in advance and are subject to the terms of the cancellation policy.

Client Conduct

Clients are expected to engage in sessions respectfully. While therapy may bring up difficult emotions, threatening or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Should such behaviour occur, the session may be terminated, and the client will still be liable for the full session fee.

Clients are prohibited from attempting to damage my website or introduce malicious software, viruses, or harmful technology. Any breaches of this nature will be reported to the relevant authorities.


My services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you require medical assistance, please seek advice from a licensed healthcare provider. By accepting these terms, clients release me from all liability relating to their use of my services, including regression therapy, systemic constellations, trauma therapy, counselling, workshops and trainings.