Business Constellations

What is Business Constellations?

Business Constellations, also known as Organisational Systemic Constellations, is a form of systemic constellation that reveals hidden dynamics within business systems that can impact success and growth. Whether you're a business owner, manager or part of a team, many challenges stem from unseen influences within the organisation. These could include misalignments in leadership, unresolved conflicts, or underlying patterns affecting decision-making, communication, and collaboration.

By exploring these hidden dynamics, Business Constellations help businesses of various sizes gain clarity and insight into obstacles that may be limiting their success. This process can provide insight into complex organisational dynamics and pave the way for more informed decision-making, effective leadership, and improved team cohesion.

How does Business Constellations work?

Business Constellations can take place in a private session or as part of a group workshop. The process involves creating a visible representation of your business system. This is done using floor markers or figurines in private sessions, or with participants who take on the roles of different aspects of the business in group settings. These elements could include leadership roles, teams, market conditions, or even personal beliefs about money and success.

In a private session, the client intuitively places figurines or floor markers to represent various parts of the business, such as employees, departments, clients, revenue streams, or external factors like competitors or market conditions. This visual representation brings to light the underlying dynamics at play within the business, helping to identify where there may be blockages or imbalances that are affecting performance, client relationships, or financial growth. In a group workshop, participants embody different aspects of the organisation, helping to expose hidden dynamics through their interactions.

As the constellation unfolds, it becomes clear where conflicts, power imbalances, or misalignments exist. These insights help the business or team understand what's holding them back and how to realign the system for greater efficiency, collaboration, and success.

Why are Business Constellations impactful?

Business Constellations are impactful because they uncover systemic patterns and influences that are often overlooked in conventional business analysis. Many business challenges, whether related to leadership, teamwork, or financial performance, are deeply rooted in hidden dynamics that typically go unnoticed. This method makes these invisible factors visible, allowing organisations to address them directly and create meaningful change.

For example, a small business might struggle with stagnation or declining revenue, despite implementing new strategies. Through a constellation, it could be revealed that the business owner holds an unconscious belief that they don't deserve success, perhaps due to inherited family patterns around money or self-worth. This belief may manifest as self-sabotaging behaviours or an inability to fully embrace opportunities for growth. By addressing and transforming these internalised patterns, the business can move forward, opening the path to increased revenue and success.

In another scenario, an organisation facing repeated employee turnover might discover through a constellation that there is an unspoken loyalty to past leadership or unresolved issues from previous management. By acknowledging and resolving these dynamics, the business can foster a more harmonious and supportive work environment, leading to improved employee retention and engagement.

Business Constellations also support better strategic decision-making. By exploring the relationships between different aspects of the business, such as teams, clients, or market conditions, leaders gain a clearer understanding of what influences their decisions. This insight helps them make choices that are better aligned with the overall goals and success of the organisation.


If you would like to book a private business constellation session, please use the online booking form below or contact me by phone or text:
Katherina Kavungu
+353 (0) 861957734

Book Your Appointment Online or Call Directly: +353 (0)86 1957734